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  • Writer's pictureALDRIN C

The Evolution of the Iconic Apple Logo

Apple is all about thinking “outside the box”, this is what the founder Steve Jobs described about his company. Apple has showed their revolution in the market and became the tech giant. This blog will navigate through the history of the Apple Logo.

Apple has gone through significant changes from 1976 till date.


The Origin of the Name


There are many conspiracies which is related to the naming of Apple. Some of them states that it was inspired from the bible, the story of Adam and Eve, where Eve bites the Apple. There is also a theory of Alan Turing, the father of modern computing died after eating a poisoned Apple. Another theory states that the founders wanted Apple to be on top of the Phone book before Atari.

The reality was, Apple was named because Steve Jobs liked the fruit, and he followed a fruitarian diet.


The Falling Apple


Ronald Wayne, one of the co-founders of Apple in 1976 designed the first apple brand logo. The first logo depicted Isaac Newton sitting under the tree and an Apple hanging over the tree. The logo has an inscription that reads, “Newton… A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought alone.” This was inspired by the theory on gravitational force. In the logo, The Apple was still hanging on the tree, which shows that the Apple was forward thinking. This logo unfortunately didn’t stay for so long for the brand.


The Bitten Apple


Apple has moved faster towards the future, through innovation and technology, and Steve Jobs thought the logo was too old-fashioned. In 1977, Steve Jobs hired a professional named Rob Janoff to make a logo for his brand. The main aim was to make it simple and modern. This paved the way for the first bitten apple logo. The logo had Apple name in the logo and filled with a rainbow pattern.


Making it Minimal


Apple was getting on top of the market, and from what we all know about Steve Jobs, he wanted to make it simpler. He wanted the logo to be minimalistic too, so in1984, Apple removed the name from the logo, leaving only the bitten apple. This logo remained as a foundation logo and remained for 10 years, which is the maximum time till that time.

 A former Apple executive, Jean-Louis Gassee commented on the new Apple logo as "One of the deep mysteries to me is our logo, the symbol of lust and knowledge, bitten into, all crossed with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. You couldn't dream of a more appropriate logo: lust, knowledge, hope, and anarchy."


Time for redefinition


In 1985, Steve Jobs had to leave Apple and came back at 1997 because Apple was losing money and innovations, and they wanted a trusted and experienced captain to sail the ship. Steve have proposed the idea of making their computers sleek and reliable and hence the logo. The Rainbow pattern has been changed and made it into solid black. These colour choices and new designs made the logo in grey, white and black in colour.


In 2001, the apple logo has designed with an Aqua look and gave it a 3D look, for the new iPad. Then these color plates haven’t been changed since now and the chrome version of the logo was appeared in 2007, and they current logo of Apple with a grey colour has been made in 2017.



Apple logo and Innovation


Throughout the time Apple has undergone several changes in the logo, but they always tried to think outside the box. This logo continues to evolve like the brand does in the industry. The logo and the brand remain to be effective and depicts the luxury, they still work to deliver high-quality and innovative products.


Now that you have learned about the Journey of the Apple logo, now it’s time for you to join our open discussion, and don’t forget to comment on your favorite logo so far...! Adios.

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