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  • Writer's pictureALDRIN C

We all know Steve Jobs, but Who is Steve Wozniak?

Steve Jobs, the genius investor, businessman and founder of the world’s biggest company Apple. Steve Jobs is the first person who comes into our mind when we hear Apple. But let me tell you if u know Steve Jobs you also will have to know about another legend in the world of technology and computer science, Steve Wozniak. He is the co-founder of Apple Inc. We will be sailing this ship to the life of Steve Wozniak from his childhood to his career till the present. Let’s Go Ahoy.!

The start of a tech legend


Stephen Gary Wozniak was born on August 11,1950, in California. He was a kid prodigy who built his first computer at the age of 13. The Crème Soda Computer which was named after a drink was a small circuit board which has the capability to plug-in connectors and solder in the chips. He had unique ideas and skills to build any electronic devices from scratch without any formal education, saying he was inspired from his father who had a career as an Engineer. After his high school, he attended the University of California where he met his life changer and friend Steve Jobs a high schooler through a mutual friend. They have shared their ideas and wanted to build a computer to replace the IBM (International Business Machines), and with this aim Woz quit his job and both started to work out a Steve Jobs Garage. The garage which paved the way to the future.


From Garage to the World


Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak’s career journey began on mid-1970s when these both legends met and started to work on a same idea and vision. Their hard work and visionary idea were all put together for the Apple Inc. Steve Wozniak was an engineering genius and he worked on with the design and technology of Apple Computers. Their combined idea, hard work and dedication paved the way for the creation of Apple I, by Apple Computer, Inc in 1976.


Their success was started by their design, which Woz has created. The computer at that time requires user to assemble the hardware by themselves but Apple Computers came fully assembled. This innovation captured the attention of the world and gave enthusiasm for the early adaptors of technology. Then Apple has launched Apple II in 1977, which took a forward run with color graphics and made an ease of use. This was one of the commercial hits and placed Apple at the top of the industry. The Apple has then been grown to the most influential technology company in the world.





The Crash that changed Everything


In 1981, Steve Wozniak encountered a plane crash, and the injuries were extensive which turned to amnesia, and he has spent two years to recover from it. Woz after his recovery went to Berkeley to complete his degree but dropped again and struggled with the constraints on learning and innovation. His ideas couldn’t be stopped, he returned to Apple and helped to create the McIntosh. This invention paved the way for the President Ronald Reagan to award the National Medal of Technology in 1985.


Woz was very uncomfortable with the corporate culture which was developed after they become a giant. He was more interested into the technological and creative side. Tired of being in the the political and corporate pressure, Steve Wozniak left the Apple in 1985 receiving a ceremonial role and a small salary till date.

 He started a company called UNUSON (unite Us In Song) corporation to present music concert but was a failure. Then Woz in 1987, created the most innovative First Universal Remote.


The New Century of Woz


 In 1990, Steve along with his friend founded Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is a non-profit organization helps to protect civil rights of individuals working in digital world. In 2002, he started Wheels of Zeus, a company dedicated for developing wireless GPS technology and later it was closed after 4 years.  He then opened a holding company to help open innovative tech companies. In 2007, he published his autobiography “iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It”.


Where is Woz now?


In 2017, with his experience, Woz founded Woz U an educational tech solution to help the tech savvy and tech enthusiasts to learn and grow the world of tech. The main goal was to close the technical gap through accessible learning.  Woz U partnered with traditional colleges and educational institutions and employers to offer a collective learning experience. In 2023, recently he has received an honorary degree from Lincoln Law School in San Jose, California. He is still a living legend and my personal inspiration.


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